Our Pastors

Rev. Victor
I Lead Pastor I
Victor Long was appointed as the pastor of the First United Methodist Church in July of 2010.
Ordained an Elder in the former Southern Illinois Conference in 1991, he holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from McKendree College (now University); a Master of Divinity degree from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University; and a Doctor of Ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation.
A Benedictine Oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey, his Doctor of Ministry project focused on introducing Benedictine spirituality into United Methodist congregations. The project was titled, “Benedict Meets Mayberry.”
Victor has previously served United Methodist congregations in Marion, Carrier Mills, Centralia, and Metropolis. In the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, he presently serves as chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois.
He is married to Jennifer, who works as a school nurse in the Head Start program at District 80 schools, and they have four adult children. He is a member of the Mount Vernon Noon Rotary Club and the Sons of the American Revolution.
Victor loves genealogy, collecting interesting things (e.g., autographs, pink flamingos), Bowen Family Systems Theory, and, as a displaced Texan, Mexican food.
Ian likes to think that serving as the youth pastor keeps him perpetually young and cool...okay "cool" might be a bit of a stretch. Ian's not afraid to let loose and be incredibly dorky and corny, which mixes well with his desire to provide a safe space for each student to truly be themselves.
When Ian's not doing his youth pastor duties, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their two cats and dog. He also loves kayaking, video games, sewing, editing videos, and listening to podcasts that cover topics such as architecture, civics, celebrity interviews, Bible info, food, philosophy, and
many more random topics.

Rev. Ian
I Students' Pastor I

Rev. Gina
Gina Ellis is a licensed local pastor and has been Children’s Ministry Director since 2018.
Gina is married to Jerry and they have seven children and eleven grandchildren. They share their home with three of their children, one granddaughter, and Jezebel, a black miniature poodle.
Gina loves to cook, bake angel food cakes, read, plant flowers, tend to her fish pond, and play. Gina’s favorite part of ministry is getting to know the children, teaching, and showing them how very much God loves them.
I Childrens' Pastor I
Hope, as a Licensed Local Pastor, serves primarily as the Director of Children's Ministries. She began her appointment to First United Methodist on July 1, 2024, but had previously served on staff as the Lead Teacher for Sonshine School.
Hope is married to Peter, and together they have one son, Elliot. Hope enjoys cooking, gardening, family game nights, and all kinds of music.
Hope strives for the FUMC Children's Ministry to be a place where kids are connected to God's grace, so that they can build a faith grounded in love.

Rev. Hope Kobbert
I Childrens' Pastor I
Our Office Staff

I Administrative Assistant I
Sarah joined the FUMC staff in November 2022. As Administrative Assistant, she manages the office on
weekdays, answering the phone, coordinating church meetings and projects, scheduling, receipts, and
other daily issues that arise. She also prepares and publishes weekly bulletin inserts, monthly
newsletters, and other publications to assist in worship and other tasks as assigned by the pastor.
Sarah is a lifelong resident of Mt Vernon. She has one son, Hank Lee, who also resides in Mt Vernon. She is a horticulturist and an Illinois Master Naturalist. She is part of Chancel Choir and First Ringers Handbell Choir.

I Parish Visitor I
Becky has been part of the FUMC Staff for several years. As Parish Visitor she stays in contact with members, visiting them in home, hospital, or wherever they may be. Becky also is a friendly face on Sunday mornings, meeting and greeting visitors as she welcomes them to FUMC. She coordinates a Visitation Team of volunteers who assist in visits, cards, and gifts for home-bound members who are not always able to make it to the Church on Sunday mornings. Becky lives in Mt Vernon where she and her husband, Bill Deaton, keep busy with many community projects.
Our Musicians